Living With/In Digital Objects

Winter Symposium

Duderstadt Center

October 26, 2018 | 12:00-5:00pm


Digital culture reconfigures the way we know our bodies, our selves, our work, our objects and living spaces, our politics, and our sense of community. Like prior technologies, the digital gives rise to distinct new modes of experiencing time and space. Life is lived through constant network connectivity, GPS positioning, software databases, biotechnologies and wearable activity trackers, ‘smart’ buildings, cities, and homes, migrant digital labor, computational modeling, and the management of unfathomable streams of big data, and artificial intelligence. Subsequently, life is also lived through anxieties about identity theft, hacking, online harassment, piracy, surveillance and drone warfare.

Panel Speakers

André Brock, Georgia Tech

Carmen Aguilar y Wedge, HyphenLabs

Lionel Robert, U-M School of Information

Sophia Brueckner, U-M Stamps School of Art and Design









Flash Talks by panelists

Coffee Break

Bring Your Own Digital Objects

Visualization Studio and VR Lab Open House